3 Tips for Traveling With an Elderly Family Member

3 Tips for Traveling With an Elderly Family Member

Traveling with an elderly family member can be challenging, but not entirely impossible.

Traveling can be stressful, even under the best of circumstances. Adding an elderly family member to the mix can make things even more challenging. Still, traveling can be a great family experience – it is a wonderful opportunity to come together, strengthen your bonds, and make new memories.

Whether you are taking a short road trip, going on a cruise, or planning an out-of-country trip, there are steps that you can take to make traveling with seniors safer and easier. NonaCare, LLC, a respected provider of in-home care in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, lists down a few key things you should keep in mind when traveling with seniors.

  1. Consult with a Doctor
    Before going on a trip, be sure to consult with their doctor first to get a sense of their health and well-being – including an assessment of whether they are well enough to travel. Your senior loved one’s doctor can also offer recommendations and pointers, including suggestions about any vaccinations you should get and what potential health concerns you should watch out for.
  2. Prepare Important Supplies
    In addition to your loved one’s medications, make sure to prepare everything your elderly loved one may need during the trip. Some important supplies include mobility aids, batteries for hearing devices, and copies of important documents (i.e. insurance card, prescription cards, etc.).
  3. Bring on the Help of a Caregiver
    Hiring a caregiver can be an excellent way to help provide your loved one with the care and support they need, even during a vacation. With the help of your trusted home health agency in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, traveling with your senior loved ones doesn’t have to be stressful.
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